Friday, July 2, 2010

Waiting for the Birth of My Granddaughter

I am waiting for my first grandchild, a granddaughter, to be born. She is content to stay where she is at the moment and I am content too. It's so different with a grandchild. With my own children, I was much more anxious to hold them in my arms. Even though I long to hold my granddaughter, I am happy to wait until it pleases her to be held. I love her already, just as I did my own children. But while I just knew they would be perfect in every way, it's different with my granddaughter. It's not that I don't think she'll be perfect - it's that it just doesn't matter. She is. That's enough. She doesn't have to be perfect if she doesn't want to be.

I love that I'll get to play with her. I played with my own children, of course, but I also had so much raising and character-forming and teaching to do - I love that with my granddaughter I can just be. I'm interested to see what she will be like, but in a once-removed kind of way that brings ease with it. I even hope that her parents will discipline and guide her properly, because I know that will be best for her. But I like her just the way she is.

Even now, when the way she is, is unborn as of yet. When it pleases her to make her entry in to this world, I'll be waiting with open arms and uncritical approval. I'll be waiting, with time to play; with sympathy and a helping hand when she must work instead. I'll be waiting with pride, but not surprise, at her accomplishments. She has already brought me such joy!

I'm waiting for my granddaughter's arrival, ready to adore and enjoy her. I am a Grandmother and it is grand indeed.


daffy said...

Well I must say, perfect wordings are seldom found. Today, I found them here,
May the joy of being a grandmother make you smile from ear to ear! xx

Cherdecor said...

I cannot think of anything better to wait for! God bless all of you and have a happy 4th!

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

Congratulations and blessings. Is she here yet?

Jenny said...

I got to keep my two granddaughters for two days earlier this week ... ages five and two, so precious. I was marveling at how different it is, the way you feel about your grandchildren as compared to the way you loved your own kids. God designed it so that your love is all it should be, and you long for them and pray for them and can't wait to be with them and enjoy every minute that they're with you, but when it's time to go and leave them (or give them back), you're ready. It's so wonderful. You're going to be a fantastic grandma, Tracie. Congratulations and may all go well with the delivery!

Connie said...

I read this very lovely article on Associated Content. It is still a wonderful, feel good post the second time. Hopefully, she will get here and you can be reunited with Grandpa :)

Rosezilla (Tracie Walker) said...

Thanks, all. Today was a doc appt. and they did another ultrasound - at least we know she really is a girl! They are doing some tests to see whether they need to induce or not. I haven't heard the results yet... hubby is coming up on the 15th and I can hardly wait!!!

Bumpkin Hill said...

oh how delightful, what a lucky little girl she will be with a Granny waiting to love her and spend precious moments together. Can't wait to hear when she arrives, Catherine x

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